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The Greatest City in America by Kendall Sanders-HD.mp4
Wide Angle Youth Media video offering the thought of young high school student Kendall Sanders on the riots at Mondawmin Mall and Baltimore City at large.

Stand for Our Youth by Marrisa Howard-HD.mp4
Wide Angle Youth Media video offering the thoughts of young high school student Marissa Howard during the Baltimore Uprising.

2015-04-28 10.09.26.jpg
Protestors come together and hold hands in the Target parking lot.

2015-04-28 10.07.50.jpg
Protestors come together and hold hands in the Target parking lot.

2015-04-27 13.44.31.jpg
News stations and protestors stand around the hearse holding Freddie Gray's casket.

2015-04-27 13.44.19.jpg
News stations and protestors stand around the hearse holding Freddie Gray's casket.

2015-04-27 13.44.12.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church as people arrive at New Shiloh Baptist Church for Freddie Gray's funeral service.

2015-04-27 13.40.30.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church where Freddie Gray's funeral was being held. Protestors are chanting with their fists in the air as guests arrive.

2015-04-27 13.40.15.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church where Freddie Gray's funeral was being held. Protestors are chanting with their fists in the air as guests arrive.

2015-04-27 13.40.12.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church where Freddie Gray's funeral was being held. Protestors are chanting with their fists in the air as guests arrive.
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