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Stand for Our Youth by Marrisa Howard-HD.mp4
Wide Angle Youth Media video offering the thoughts of young high school student Marissa Howard during the Baltimore Uprising.

The Greatest City in America by Kendall Sanders-HD.mp4
Wide Angle Youth Media video offering the thought of young high school student Kendall Sanders on the riots at Mondawmin Mall and Baltimore City at large.

Protestors march while holding "Black Lives Matter" and "Justice for Freddie" signs.

Protesters with sign that reads White Silence = White Consent

Protestors and police officers divided across steel barricades at Camden Yards.

Protestors demonstrate near a police vehicle at Camden Yards

A man holds a traffic cone in a crowd of protestors.

A police officer uses his communicator while other police officers arrest a protestor in the background.

A police vehicle with broken windows. Protestors can be seen through the passenger and driver's window frames.

Baltimore City Police form a barricade to resist protestors and demonstrators. One protestor is on the ground.
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