Browse Items (31 total)

2015-04-27 13.40.12.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church where Freddie Gray's funeral was being held. Protestors are chanting with their fists in the air as guests arrive.

2015-04-27 13.40.15.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church where Freddie Gray's funeral was being held. Protestors are chanting with their fists in the air as guests arrive.

2015-04-27 13.40.30.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church where Freddie Gray's funeral was being held. Protestors are chanting with their fists in the air as guests arrive.

2015-04-27 13.44.12.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church as people arrive at New Shiloh Baptist Church for Freddie Gray's funeral service.

2015-04-27 13.44.19.jpg
News stations and protestors stand around the hearse holding Freddie Gray's casket.

2015-04-27 13.44.31.jpg
News stations and protestors stand around the hearse holding Freddie Gray's casket.

2015-04-28 10.07.50.jpg
Protestors come together and hold hands in the Target parking lot.

2015-04-28 10.09.26.jpg
Protestors come together and hold hands in the Target parking lot.

A man with a turban on a scooter with other demonstrators holding protest signs behind him.

A group of protestors atop a building with a Baltimore Uprising flag.
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