Browse Items (36 total)

2015-04-25 16.45.39.jpg
Baltimore Police officers standing in line at North Gay and Fayette Streets watching protesters pass.

2015-05-07 10.11.44.jpg
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Congressman Elijah Cummings announcing the initiative to address short-term and systemic problems in city neighborhoods.

2015-05-07 10.31.36.jpg
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Congressman Elijah Cummings signing the One Baltimore poster after announcing the initiative to address short-term and systemic problems in city neighborhoods.

2015-05-08 15.06.29.jpg
Pastor Jamal H. Bryant standing next to Lawyer William H.“ Billy” Murphy who was representing the family of Freddy Gray during a Press Conference

2015-04-29 09.19.22.jpg
Baltimore City Schools CEO Gregory Thornton talks with Frederick Douglass High School students

2015-04-29 09.36.54.jpg
Baltimore City Schools CEO Gregory Thornton during a Press Conference in front of Frederick Douglass High School

2015-04-29 09.34.09.jpg
Baltimore City Schools CEO Gregory Thornton during a Press Conference in front of Frederick Douglass High School

2015-04-29 10.18.44.jpg
Pastor Jamal H. Bryant and Rap Artist Whale during a press conference

2015-04-29 10.19.11.jpg
Pastor Jamal H. Bryant and Rap Artist Whale during a press conference

2015-04-29 10.19.16.jpg
Pastor Jamal H. Bryant and Rap Artist Whale during a press conference
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