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A man in shades with Baltimore City Police in front of him.

A protestor demonstrates against the tactics police use to arrest and detain people. A small group of protestors hold signs behind the person, who is laying on the ground.

Alexis Huey.jpg
Alexis Huey and Aniya Humbles interview. Wide Angle Youth Media has been taking portraits and conducting short interviews with Baltimore City youth during the Freddie Gray protests.

Andrew Copeland interviewed by Michael Stone.

Baltimore April 2015 - Freddie Gray Protest.avi
The film shows the protests and police presence in the area of W. North Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue on April 28th the day after the riot and on May 1st the day that the six officers were charged in the death of Gray

Motorcycle BDPD brigade over I83 on Orleans Avenue during the May Day 2015 rally and march

Walker_Young_voice-005 1.m4a
University of Baltimore student Gwenaviere Reaves-Walker interviews Baltimore City Council President Bernard "Jack Young regarding his background in Baltimore and his hope in creating stronger relationships between the Baltimore community and police.

April 29th, City Hall 2.jpg
Talking across the fence

April 29th, City Hall 3.jpg
Voice not Violence

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