Browse Items (24 total)

2015-04-25 18.29.25.jpg
Protestors stand across from the police with their hands in the air.

2015-04-25 18.29.28.jpg
Police and cameramen sward a group of protesters marching on Howard Street.

2015-04-25 18.29.31.jpg
Police and cameramen sward a group of protesters marching on Howard Street.

2015-04-25 18.29.48.jpg
Protestors march down Howard Street.

2015-04-25 18.38.32.jpg
A protester heckling a Baltimore Police officer at Howard and Camden Streets.

2015-04-27 13.33.15.jpg
Cameramen, visitors, and the media stand outside of New Shiloh Baptist Church as speakers and attendees arrive for Freddie Gray's funeral.

2015-04-27 13.36.26.jpg
Cameramen, visitors, and the media stand outside of New Shiloh Baptist Church as speakers and attendees arrive for Freddie Gray's funeral.

2015-04-27 13.36.28.jpg
Cameramen, visitors, and the media stand outside of New Shiloh Baptist Church as speakers and attendees arrive for Freddie Gray's funeral.

2015-04-27 13.39.49.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church where Freddie Gray's funeral was being held. Protestors are chanting with their fists in the air as guests arrive.

2015-04-27 13.40.00.jpg
Protestors and news stations stand outside of the church where Freddie Gray's funeral was being held. Protestors are chanting with their fists in the air as guests arrive.
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